This assessment includes the Hearing Assessment as described above in addition to the following:
Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP)
To assess saccule, or inferior vestibular nerve, function.
The test involves taking recordings from few electrodes placed on patient’s face and neck and stimuli consisted of 500Hz tone bursts are delivered via insert earphone to elicit responses.
ENG/VNG (Electronystagmography/Videonystagmography)
To measure the response of the balance centres to various conditions by measuring particular types of eye movements using miniature cameras set in a pair of goggles which are worn for the test or in rare occasion using three to five small electrodes taped to the face around the eyes.
The battery of tests consists of :
- Gaze, Ocular Motor (Saccade & Pursuit) and Fixation and Suppression tests – recordings of eye movements looking at moving and stationary target lights to evaluate central vestibular and ocular motor pathway
- Static Positional Test – recordings of eye movements in different head and body positions to evaluate if changes in position cause nystagmus
- Bithermal Calorics – using warm and cool air to measure responses from the right and left labyrinths independently