ENG/VNG – or Electronystagmography/Videonystagmography –, tests are designed to measure the response of the balance centres to various conditions by measuring particular types of eye movements.
Recordings of eye movements are taken first with the patient looking at moving and stationary target lights. If required, recordings are then taken in different head and body positions. Finally, some warm and cool air is run alternately into each ear for one minute and eye movements recorded. This part of the test may produce some dizziness for a short time. The recordings are taken from three to five small electrodes taped to the face, around the eyes or from miniature cameras set in a pair of goggles which are worn for the test.
All patients must be accompanied into the testing room and will need someone else to drive them home, as it is highly inadvisable to drive after the tests. The test will last approximately two hours and 30 minutes. Please bring your Medicare card and your doctor’s referral if provided.
Essential Pretest Instructions
For the greatest accuracy on your tests, you must follow these steps. If you are unable to follow all of them then please let us know as soon as possible.
Have a light breakfast/lunch the day of the test.
If you are taking tranquillizers, antidepressants, sleeping tablets, tablets for dizziness or anything similar, please stop taking them two days before the tests.
No smoking for 24 hours before the tests.
No alcohol or spirits for 48 hours before the tests.
Please do not wear facial cosmetics, eye makeup, hair gel, hair spray or false eyelashes.
If you wear contacts, please remove them 24 hours before the test.
Fill out the questionnaire and bring it with you to your appointment.
If your ears have not been checked recently, please visit your doctor in the week prior to the test to have any wax removed if necessary.
If you are unsure about ceasing any medication, please consult with your doctor before the test.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let our team know at least three days in advance if possible. A fee may be charged for non-attendance.
After you complete the questionnaire, then call our team at the Balance & Hearing Centre today for more information or to schedule a visit for a Comprehensive Balance - ENG / VNG test.